Game Master Tips

Character Design
--Add some personality.

Hit chart
--Which leg was I limping on again?

Leniency and Exceptions
--Every once in a while, players need a little break.

Let 'Em Dangle
--Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Playing Environment
--Feel like you're actually there.

--Gets the player thinking too, not just his character.

Quick Battle
--How to pick up the pace when you don't have time to waste.

--Here's a familiar face!

Screwing with their minds
--Finally, you get to have all the fun. Confusion for them.

Searching for Relics
--A quest for the galaxy's most prized possessions.

Skills and Attributes
--I dunno. Pick a skill and roll it.

Special Dice
--There are different probablilities for everything.

Stupidity Has Consequences
--You might deserve to die.

Visual Aides
--A picture is worth a thousand words...and maybe an hour of game play.